dark matter

Dark matter

The simplest and most compelling explanation of the missing mass in the Universe is in terms of particle dark matter. There are many different well motivated dark matter candidates in models of physics beyond the standard model. Examples include axions, which are predicted by dynamic solutions to the strong CP problem, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) which naturally occur in supersymmetry or any model with an unbroken (discrete) symmetry, keV sterile neutrinos, asymmetric dark matter to name a few.

Dark matter direct detection at one loop

Dark matter direct detection of a fermionic singlet at one loop

The strong direct detection limits could be pointing to dark matter – nucleus scattering at loop level. We study in detail the prototype example of an electroweak singlet (Dirac or Majorana) dark matter fermion coupled to an extended dark sector, …

Dark matter direct detection at one loop

Unitarisation of EFT Amplitudes for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC

Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter - Production from Scalar Decay

Sterile neutrino dark matter production from scalar decay

Unitarisation of EFT Amplitudes for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC

Unitarisation of EFT Amplitudes for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC

We propose a new approach to the LHC dark matter search analysis within the effective field theory (EFT) framework by utilising the K-matrix unitarisation formalism. This approach provides a reasonable estimate of the dark matter production cross …

SUSY implications from WIMP annihilation into scalars at the Galactic Cetnre